Publication: Illinois Business Journal, April 2018
It’s rare that a construction company is well ahead of schedule on a project. But that is the case with the Zodiac-Poettker joint venture project at Robins Air Force Base, Ga. This is the latest undertaking of the partnership formed by Poettker Construction of Breese, Ill., and Zodiac Inc. of St. Louis. The firm is the prime contractor for the Air Force Reserve Command Consolidated Mission Complex in Warner Robins, Ga. Ryan Fuhler is assistant project manager for Zodiac-Poettker.
Construction on the $26 million complex began in January 2017. It will bring 950 military and civilian personnel from 15 different facilities under one roof. The 92,000-square-foot facility sits on 17 acres and will serve as the AFRC’s new base headquarters. It includes offices, conference and meeting rooms, communication rooms, training/classroom space, workrooms, breakrooms and a cafeteria with a full kitchen.
The facility is being constructed in compliance with Anti-Terrorism Force Protection requirements and will be certified with the U.S. Green Building Council as a LEED Silver facility.
“We have had a great partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and all the subcontractors on this project,” says Fuhler. “Everyone has shown an interest in approaching situations as a team.”
The firm’s collaborative approach helps to ensure a safe working environment, which is its number one priority.
“All of our subcontractors and business partners are proactive in planning and communicating their work well in advance. This allows us to avoid miscommunication and maintain safe construction practices throughout the project,” he said.
Fuhler credits communication, trust and respect among all team members with how smoothly the project has gone.
“It’s allowed construction of the facility to proceed more efficiently, putting us in position to complete the project this summer instead of December of this year.”